Please join us on at our Tumwater Financial Center on Wednesday, April 17th at 5:30 PM for our 2024 Annual Meeting. Light refreshments will be served and the 2023 Annual Report will be made available prior to the meeting.


Nominating Committee and Election Procedures

As mandated in Article 4 of evergreenDIRECT Credit Union’ Bylaws, a Nominating Committee has been appointed to nominate candidates for vacancies on the Board of Directors and Audit Committee.

The nominating committee consists of the following Board of Directors:

  • Sue Girsch
  • Jim Sherry
  • Scott Collins

The terms of Director Mike Ricchio, Director Amy Tiemeyer and Audit Committee (AC) Member and Chair Earlene Fanz will expire at the upcoming 2024 Annual Meeting. Director Ricchio, Director Tiemeyer and AC Earlene Fantz have all expressed an interest in seeking re-election. Our newest Director as of January 2024, Laura Murphy and newest AC member as of December 2023, Amy Tiemeyer will also have to seek re-election at the upcoming 2024 Annual Meeting.

Any nominations for members wishing to serve on the Board of Directors of evergreenDIRECT Credit Union must be filed with the Nominating Committee of the Board of Directors. Members not nominated by the committee, who would like to run for a board position in the election, may be nominated by the membership through the submission of a petition signed by at least two percent of the membership*.

Nominees must include a  volunteer application and resume, statement of qualifications, biographical data, and a statement of willingness to serve as a director addressed to the Nominating Committee, PO Box 408, Olympia, WA, 98507.

Nominations, Petitions, and requested information must be received by Friday, February 1, 2024, to be considered. The Committee will submit the complete list of candidates to the Secretary at least 45 days prior to the annual membership meeting. Nominations for Director or Audit Committee member positions may not be made from the floor of a membership meeting, and an individual’s name may not be submitted as a write-in candidate on any ballot. *A petition would require 102 signatures to make up two percent of the membership as of November 30, 2023.

Submit the required information by February 1, 2024!

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